Holy over-fed goose liver, Batman! Has it really been almost 4 months since my last post?! Yes, yes, me dear naive protégé, Robin, it has indeed. Sorry to all my loyal readers for going MIA status, but now, back to blogging.
During the past four months, I've been touring the states, so to speak. I took a road trip with my brothers and sister-in-law to Minnesota to visit my sister-in-law's family. Highlights included: 1) Helping a friend move to Minneapolis, spending hours in the middle of Nebraska with a broken moving van, 2) Visiting the World's Largest Ball of Twine, and 3) Doubling-up on 11. Then, I went on another road trip to Missouri to visit one of my brother's girlfriend's family farm (that was a mouthful). We met a few good friends out there, and enjoyed a relaxing long weekend filled with Missouri's wonderful "convenience stores". In one stop, one can get gas, beer, porn, and fireworks. I now know why they call it the "Show Me State". Finally, I went to picturesque Breckenridge, Colorado, my favorite mountain town. My mom, step-dad, sister, and her friend joined me.
Now for the health updates, I’m sure you're all looking forward to this.
Balance has improved considerably. I'm no longer walking with a cane. Feeling is beginning to creep into my right side, although nothing consistent. The left side is beginning to get more shape and I'm getting some pull from the muscle. The eyes are being a pain in the patootie. I'm not getting movement in either eye, and, due to this, my right eye has remained sewn. On the bright side, my vision has improved from 20/200 to 20/80 in the right eye. Surgery may be looming, but nothing has been scheduled yet.
Eyes on the future...
I'm taking the GMAT exam in September, and planning to go to Graduate School for my MBA in the spring. Obviously, medical procedures may interfere with these plans. My doctor has said that it may be over another year before I'm released to go back to work, and I'm getting cabin fever.
I want to wish you all the best, and I'll try not to make it so long next time.
By the by, check out www.PeaceCorpsJournals.com. I just got an e-mail from the publisher and the blog who knows blogging the best has been added.