We now interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special report:
“This is Rock Rockelsroll and I’m reporting live from Swedish Medical Center in Englewood, Colorado. Just a few hours ago Eric Jones, whose blog I represent, was admitted for a scheduled procedure to check the status of his left carotid artery. This procedure, an angiogram, inserts a dye into the artery by means of a tube placed in the groin and run through the body to the neck. This was done to discover if the artery is fully closed. If it is not, it could cause blood clots and lead to another stroke. While the angiogram was successfully completed it found that the carotid artery was open but narrow and irregular. We should find out next week what would need to be done. For now, we wait… ok; it’s cold out here. Colorado in February! Anyone have any hot cocoa? A barrel fire, perhaps?”
This has been a special report. We now take you back to your program “Heavy Equipment in Local Markets”.
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