Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have A Dream"

In honor of Dr. MLK Jr. I'd like to submit to you a vivid memory I have of his birthday.

When I was around 12 my older brother and I decided to participate in the annual Denver march to the Capital. Participating was my older brother's idea, and I was lukewarm to the prospect of walking a couple miles on a frozen January morning. As the march began, though, my mood quickly changed from apathy to elation as the positive energy from the visible diversity was felt. But as the enthusiastic throng approached the Capital a disheartening sight met my eyes. On the steps of the Capital were gathered about 30 members of the Ku Klux Klan. As my heart sank I turned around to face my fellow marchers. Around me were thousands - perhaps, tens of thousands - of like-minded individuals. At this moment I realized that, while ignorance and bigotry is a reality, those who believe in this close-minded way will, eventually, be in the minority.

Even today the dream is not yet realized for every person. We are quick to repeat the same mistakes of the past against those who are in the minority. I have learned, though, that time is on my side. At some point we will all be free to express whom we are without fear of retribution.


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