Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Peace Corps has three goals that we as volunteers must always keep in mind: 1) Exchange American ideals with the local population, 2) Exchange local ideals with Americans, 3) Transfer needed technical skills and knowledge to the local population. While the third goal is one I will not begin until September 26th, I have been busy the past few weeks with the first two. I have had a number of enlightening conversations with a number of locals from businesspeople to students. From these conversations, I have both learned about the current situation and taught about various aspects of the United States. I've gained much needed perspective on the country and this obstacles individuals encounter. I feel that the challenges before me are great, but there are many people who are more than willing to help.

On a down note, we have lost 3 volunteers to the dreaded ET (even Reeses Pieces couldn't make them stay), Early Termination. Cameroon is a difficult place to live, and Peace Corps is not for everyone. Unfortunately, one of them was my Education postmate, Jen, so it has been especially difficult lately. Also, another volunteer is going back due to the situation in New Orleans, his hometown. We expect him to return.

Things are going well for me, though. Continuing to play soccer every Sunday, but have yet to win. First game we lost 2-0, and last game went to penalty kicks 1-1. We lost 3-2 on kicks, but I was able to put one in. We keep getting closer, so this Sunday I expect a win. Well, I'm off to the local market for some fresh vegetables and tomorrow I need to clean-up Jen's house.


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