Saturday, January 28, 2006

Because laughter is the best medicine, and we could all use more, the above photo is courtesy of my friend, Andy, who is traveling in Cambodia. To explain, many people in rural parts of the world are use to pit latrines. But, hey, a reasonable explaination always takes the fun out.

Still doing well, and, of course, keeping the smile, well half-smile, on my face.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Two recent successes: 1) Surgery last Thrusday, 2) Let out of the hospital (what were they thinking?). Last Thursdays surgery went as well as could be expected. The doctor found that two of my left ear bones were completely demolished and installed replacment parts. I'll see in about five weeks how successful that was. In addition, he cleared part of my left neck filled with all sorts of crap (technical term) to make room for my left facial nerve to grow together. I'll know how successfu this part was in 6-12 months. And last, but in no way least, my right eye was sewn shut to protect the cornea. Ouch! The doctors all expect me to make a full recovery with the exception of my right optical nerve. I'll try to prove them wrong, but it would be nice, at least for the dump truck, to have one victory. I joke, I joke, I kid, I kid.

I'm back at home living with my Mom, Step-Dad, and sister, Brenna. Trying to get use to life out of the hospital, and working on eating more solid foods. In fact, since I've been back we haven't had to use the blender once. A small success. I have out patient therapy 3-days a week, and am trying to keep myself busy, but not too busy.

This has been another addition of the blog that keeps on blogging. Even the tail gate of a dump truck in a third world country can't stop it.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year to one and all!

Apparently, life wanted to test me to see if I still laugh when it gives me a great big haymaker to the chops. Ha, ha, ha! Still laughing, although it does tend to hurt slightly more than it used to.

Thank you to my Dad for updating my blog as well as visiting me during my month long stay in Pretoria, South Africa. To give you a more current assessment of my injuries, here we go: Right side of my face is paralyzed, but, good news, nerves are intact; so all feeling should come back within the coming months. Left side has feeling, but the nerves are not connected to the muscle. Therefore, I’ll have to have surgery to repair the left nerve in the next two weeks. This nerve, along with broken bone, has led to hearing loss in the left ear. In addition, both my eyes are unable to look passed the midpoint and my right eye is still pretty cloudy. The verdict is still out on what the solution is for my eyes, but next week brings two more appointments from eye doctors.

All in all, I’m a mess. But really I’m doing just fine and the doctors expect, with time, for everything to comeback. I want to thank all the doctors, nurses, and techs at Craig Hospital for delivering great care. Also, a huge, gargantuan THANK YOU to all my family and friends for all their support. Bottom line, it is very good to be home.